edited by Gary Phillips

The Obama Inheritance
edited by Gary Phillips
“It’s a commonplace these days to say that real life has become so unpredictable that it outstrips anything anyone could dream up in fiction. … But that was before I read The Obama Inheritance, a collection of 15 stories so sly, fresh and Bizarro World witty, they reaffirm the resiliency of the artistic imagination.”–NPR Fresh Air
“Conspiracy theories about Obama spun out to their wackiest sci-fi conclusions … Resistance takes many forms, particularly in the current political climate. Few methods of protest are as cheerfully strange and purposefully bizarre as THE OBAMA INHERITANCE.” —The Washington Post
“Truth may be stranger than fiction, but why should the conspiracists have all the fun of creating fake narratives?” –Clarence Page, The Chicago Tribune
“Fifteen authors known for genre writing, many of color, take right wing tales and transform them into their own righteous pulp. … Who thought being militant could be this fun?” —The Hard Word
“Seven New Books That Will Make You Happy You Can Read. Writers take on the racist backlash against President Barack Obama in genres as diverse as spy thriller, noir mysteries and science fiction.” —Newsweek
“High-octane creativity at work. . . . Some of these stories are laugh-out-loud funny, while others are immensely disturbing simply because you know that somewhere, someone actually believes this ridiculousness for real. That’s a humbling and horrifying thought, even as your funny bone and your common sense are entertained.” —Manhattan Book Review
“Pulp fiction for the post-Obama era.” —Booklist
“The stories are adrift with white supremacists, secret locations, strange conflicts, and subtle aliens.” —Publishers Weekly
“A mashup of genre fiction . . . imagines the consequences of white supremacist politics on American society.” —Kirkus Reviews
Noir meets diverse voices and transforms the genre into an over-the-top, transcendental psychedelic thriller ride of pulpy goodness in THE OBAMA INHERITANCE: Fifteen Stories of Conspiracy Noir (ISBN 978-1-941110-59-1, Trade Paper, 324 Pages, October 10, 2017, $19.95). The collection is curated by editor and award-winning crime novelist and activist Gary Phillips, and includes stories by Walter Mosley, Robert Silverberg, Nisi Shawl, Kate Flora, Christopher Chambers and more!
In the tradition of satirical works of Swift and Twain, with nods to the likes of William S. Burroughs and Philip K. Dick, these tales contain vigilante First Ladies, Supreme Court judges who can clone themselves, gear-popping robots of doom, and races of ancient lizard people revealing their true master plan–all mashed up in the blender of fake news bots, climate change hoaxes, and outlandish spins of bizarro conspiracy theories.
In an era where the outlandish and fantastic has permeated our media 24/7, where mind-bending conspiracy theories shape our views, THE OBAMA INHERITANCE writers riff on the numerous fictions spun about the 44th president of the U.S. Contributors spin deliberately outlandish and fantastic twists on many of the dozens of screwball, bizarro conspiracy theories floated about the president during his years in office and turn them on their heads.
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THE OBAMA INHERITANCE: Fifteen Stories of Conspiracy Noir, Edited by Gary Phillips ISBN: 978-1-941110-59-1 Trade Paperback; ISBN: 978-1-941110-60-7 ebook; 324 pages; $19.95 Publication date: Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Foreword by Gary Phillips
Michelle in Hot Water by Kate Flora
. . . The Continuing Mission by Adam Lance Garcia
True Skin by Eric Beetner
Evens by Nisi Shawl
A Different Frame of Reference by Walter Mosley
Brother’s Keeper by Danny Gardner
Forked Tongue by Lise McClendon
Sunburnt Country by Andrew Nette
I Know They’re in There! by Travis Richardson
The Psalm of Bo by Christopher Chambers
At the Conglomeroid Cocktail Party by Robert Silverberg
Deep State by Désirée Zamorano
I Will Haunt You by Anthony Neil Smith
Give Me Your Free, Your Brave, Your Proud Masses Yearning to Conquer by L. Scott Jose
Thus Strikes the Black Pimpernel by Gary Phillips
South Central native Gary Phillips draws on his experiences from anti-police abuse community organizing, activism in the anti-apartheid movement, union rep, state director of a political action committee, to delivering dog cages in writing his tales of chicanery and malfeasance. He has written various novels, novellas, comics, short stories, radio plays and a script now and then. He has edited or co-edited several anthologies, and must keep writing to forestall his appointment at the crossroads. Phillips is president of the Private Eye Writers of America.
Kate Flora writes true crime, strong women, and police procedurals. Led Astray is her latest Joe Burgess police procedural; Death Warmed Over her latest Thea Kozak mystery. Her fascination with people’s bad behavior began in the Maine attorney general’s office chasing deadbeat dads and protecting battered children. In addition to her crime fiction, she’s written two true crimes and a memoir with public safety personnel. 2017 will bring Shots Fired: The Myths, Misconceptions, and Misunderstandings About Police-Involved Shootings. Flora has been an Edgar, Derringer, Agatha and Anthony finalist and twice won the Maine literary award for crime fiction.
Adam Lance Garcia’s first novel The Land of Nowhere was written entirely in crayon and remains unfinished to this day. However, Adam is currently completing the third and final chapter to his Green Lama: Legacy trilogy, as well as the second volume of his graphic novel Sons of Fire. In addition to print work, he is a writer and producer of the audio drama podcast Radio Room. When not writing or photographing his cats, Adam works as a television producer in Manhattan.
Eric Beetner is the author of nearly two dozen novels including Rumrunners, Leadfoot, The Devil Doesn’t Want Me and Dig Two Graves. In 2017 he was nominated for an ITW award and two Anthony awards. He co-hosts the podcast Writer Types and hosts the Noir at the Bar reading series in Los Angeles. For more visit ericbeetner.com
Nisi Shawl’s debut novel Everfair was a finalist for the Locus and Nebula Awards and a James Tiptree, Jr. Honor book. Her story collection Filter House won the Tiptree Award in 2009 and was also a World Fantasy Award nominee. Her fiction has appeared in Asimov’s SF Magazine and on the Strange Horizons site. She serves on the board of the Clarion West Writers Workshop and is a founding member of the Carl Brandon Society, a nonprofit created to support the presence of people of color in the fantastic genres. She’s easily Googled.
Walter Mosley is the author of more than forty critically acclaimed books, including the major bestselling mystery series featuring Easy Rawlins. His work has been translated into 23 languages and includes literary fiction, science fiction, political monographs, and a young adult novel. In 2013 he was inducted into the New York State Writers Hall of Fame, and he is the winner of numerous awards, including an O. Henry Award, the Edgar Grand Master Award, a Grammy, and PEN America’s Lifetime Achievement Award. He lives in New York City.
Danny Gardner enjoys careers as a comedian (HBO’s Def Comedy Jam) actor, director, and screenwriter. His debut novel, A Negro and an Ofay, is published by Down & Out Books. He is a proud member of the Mystery Writers of America and the International Thriller Writers and is a regular blogger at 7 Criminal Minds. He lives in Los Angeles by way of Chicago.
Lise McClendon is the author of fourteen novels of suspense, mystery, crime, and wise-crackery. She writes the Bennett Sisters Mystery series, as well as series set in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and WW2-era Kansas City. As Rory Tate she’s written two thrillers, Plan X and Jump Cut. She co-wrote the dark comic thriller, Beat Slay Love, with four other mystery writers calling themselves Thalia Filbert. Lise served on the boards of Mystery Writers of America and the North American chapter of Inter-national Crime Writers. She lives in Montana and at lisemcclendon.com.
Andrew Nette is a writer of fiction and non-fiction. He is the author of two-crime novels, Ghost Money and Gunshine State. His short fiction has appeared in a number of print and on-line publications. He is co-editor of Girl Gangs, Biker Boys, and Real Cool Cats: Pulp Fiction and Youth Culture, 1950 to 1980, forthcoming in late 2017. His online home is www.pulpcurry.com. You can find him on Twitter at @Pulpcurry.
Travis Richardson has been a finalist for the Macavity, Anthony and Derringer short story awards. His novella Lost in Clover was listed in Spinetingler Magazine’s Best Crime Fiction of 2012. His second novella, Keeping the Record, came out in 2014. He has published stories in Jewish Noir, Thuglit, Shotgun Honey, Flash Fiction Offensive, and All Due Respect. He used to edit the SINC/LA newsletter Ransom Notes and reviewed Anton Chekhov short stories at www.chekhovshorts.com. He grew up in Oklahoma and now lives in Los Angeles with his wife and daughter. www.tsrichardson.com
Christopher Chambers is a Washington, D.C. native and a Professor of Media Studies at Georgetown University. He is the author of four fiction novels and edited two fiction anthologies. He was a finalist in 2008 for the PEN/Malamud Short Story Award for “Leviathan.”
Robert Silverberg is considered to be one of the giants of the sci-fi genre, with four Hugo Awards and six Nebula Awards to his name. He was inducted into the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame in 1999 and named a Grand Master by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America in 2005.
Désirée Zamorano delights in the exploration of contemporary issues of injustice and inequity in her writing. A Pushcart prize nominee and award-winning short story writer, her novel Human Cargo, featuring private investigator Inez Leon, was Latinidad’s mystery pick of the year. She is also the author of the acclaimed literary novel The Amado Women.
Anthony Neil Smith is Professor of English and Chair of the English, Philosophy, Spanish & Humanities Department at Southwest Minnesota State University. He’s the author of numerous noir and crime novels, including Yellow Medicine, All the Young Warriors, Worm, and Castle Danger. He is also one one of the founders of the late, great, noir ezine Plots with Guns.
L. Scott Jose lives—and will likely die young—in Melbourne. His other semen-filled writing is available in various print and online -anthologies. He is co-owner and and editor for Crime Factory. If you’d like to get in touch, hit him up on Twitter—@lscottjose. He doesn’t use it much, but will make an exception for you. He is also available for -children’s parties.
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