Maintenant5: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art (Three Rooms Press)

MAINTENANT 5, A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art, is published. This journal represents a broad range of work from an international group of poets and artists, all inspired by the tenets of the original dada movement of the early 20th century.

Maintenant 5 is named in honor of the mother of all dada magazines and all ’zines in general, Maintenant, edited by the man who inspired the dada movement before Breton’s infamous manifesto against manifestos existed: Arthur Cravan. This issue is dedicated to his enduring legacy.

Lots of things happen for a reason. Some don’t. It’s magic. It’s science. It’s luck. It’s skill. It’s a masterpiece. It’s a crock of shit. It’s a demon. An angel. It’s a four-letter word that means love.

Time passes.

And eggs are laid and cracked and the winter turns to fall and springs into act one of a very long play destined to become a hit movie with a pop soundtrack.

Revolutions and wars come and go. And punches are thrown and babies are born again and dreams come true or don’t and there’s a new wave of majestic bargains to be had for a song.

And Arthur Cravan said Let’s Dance and so we dance in his long shadow. Dada was never about nihilism. It was about survival. Face to face with rules breaking. Electricity turning night to day. And science saving lives and taking them one bomb at a time. The end of kingdoms, dictators stepping down, it was the will of the people then and it is the will of the people now. To dance and to survive. To create by any means necessary. To honor the moment of creation. To justify every half-thought thought. To love. Or not.

Maintenant: when now is always now.

This is Maintenant 5: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art. It is the fourth edition of the Three Rooms Press Maintenant series, named in honor of Arthur Cravan’s original journal, Maintenant (see page ii). Slip and slide into its groove and dig the germs and gems. Talk a trip. Now is always now. See you at the end of the road.

—Kat Georges & Peter Carlaftes, Editors

P.S. Enjoy Maintenant5 and pass it on. In the interest of keeping face to face communication alive, Maintenant5 is available only in printed form so please share your copy with another human being. At its heart, Maintenant5 is really about exploring what it is to be human, and daring to expose the limitless possibilities which—against all odds—continue to be discovered by daring artists and writers of our time, of all time, of now.

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