Robin and Her Misfits, Vulgarian Rhapsody named Finalists for 2023 Foreword Indies
This just in: Foreword Reviews has released the list of finalists for the 2023 Foreword INDIES and TWO 3RP books made the list!
To honor the very best of indie publishing each year, we’re pleased to host the Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards! Thousands of books are entered each year, and over 100 librarians and booksellers take part in the judging process, narrowing down a group of finalists in 55 categories to Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners that truly represent the best in independent publishing.
ROBIN AND HER MISFTS (978-1-953103-31-4) is a finalist in the Young Adult Fiction category.
Foreword Reviews says:
Kelly Ann Jacobson’s novel Robin and Her Misfits is a fresh take on Robin Hood, trading medieval outlaws for a band of queer women who pull off heists and seek safety and home with one another …
A theme of found family emerges: the girls, some of whom are orphans by circumstance and others by choice, support each other throughout a variety of adventures. Yet as one heist leads to another, the group struggles to maintain its cohesion: as outcasts, they have all already learned that if they don’t have each other’s backs, no one will.
Robin and Her Misfits revisits a classic story about breaking the law, turning it into a poignant, exciting novel about queer love, homecomings, and hope.
Order ROBIN AND HER MISFITS today directly from Three Rooms Press or wherever books are sold, including:
VULGARIAN RHAPSODY (978-1-953103-38-3) is a finalist in the LGBT! Adult Fiction category.
A whirlwind tour of San Francisco’s fabled queer bohemia in the waning days of the 20th century, as the city’s budget bon vivants work to save their eccentric lifestyles in the face of tech gentrification by LAMBDA award finalist Alvin Orloff.
Midwest Book Review calls VULGARIAN RHAPSODY “Impressively original, exceptionally well written with a genuine flair for the kind of narrative driven storytelling that will keep the reader’s rapt attention from start to finish, “Vulgarian Rhapsody” by Alvin Orloff is a fun read and one that immerses the reader in the eclectic bohemian and LGBTQ life styles that San Francisco is so well known for.”
Order VULGARIAN RHAPSODY: A Novel directly from Three Rooms Press or wherever fine books are sold, including:
Congratulations to both authors!
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