Book Giveaway: Enter by July 31 to Win *1 of 15* Copies of Womentality from LibraryThing
We’re super excited about WOMENTALITY: Thirteen Empowering Stories by Everyday Women Who Said Goodbye to the Workplace and Hello to Their Lives! This book addresses what many of us have felt—frustration at office life and feelings of being undervalued at work. The thirteen women in WOMENTALITY felt those things and decided to do something about it—these essays are about their escape from the rat race and their success in creating an independent career.
Enter NOW at LibraryThing to win a free copy of WOMENTALITY. We know everyone will be talking about this book soon…but you could be talking about it first. LibraryThing is a great tool to record your books. It connects you with readers who love to read the same stuff as you, and it suggests books that align with your literary interests. You’ll have to sign up to LibraryThing for the giveaway, but it’s free to use (and super easy—you can access it from your phone).
Try your luck and enter the giveaway HERE. You have until July 31st! P.S. you can also enter to win another of our Fall books, DISASTERAMA!
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