Book Giveaway: Win an Advance Copy of Our Fall Books!
Coming out from Three Rooms Press this fall are three books you don’t want to miss: Womentality, Alien Archives, and Disasterama! You can be among the first to read them as a reviewer on Edelweiss+, a one-stop shop for publishers to share their seasonal catalogs and for readers like you to request ARCs (advance reader copies)! All you need is a free account and you can request a galley in exchange for reviewing any or all of our upcoming titles. Read about them and find the links to request a copy below. (Psst… they’re also here: WOMENTALITY, ALIEN ARCHIVES, DISASTERAMA!)
WOMENTALITY: Thirteen Empowering Stories by Everyday Women Who Said Goodbye to the Workplace and Hello to Their Lives (ISBN: 9781941110843, Trade Paperback, 212 pages, Oct. 8, 2019, $17.00) is a collection of personal essays, edited by economic philosopher Erin Wildermuth. The collection offers stories from women around the world who decided to work for themselves after determining that the traditional 9-to-5 work structure was not a good fit for them.
For the first time in history, women around the world are able to improve the quality of their lives simply by having a computer and internet connection. It is an utterly remarkable global shift. And it is not just elite women from “first world” countries. Womentality includes essays by women from Uganda, Jamaica, Venezuela, Poland, Kenya, and more.
Request a copy HERE through Edelweiss+ to be an early reader and offer your thoughts!
ALIEN ARCHIVES: Eighteen Stories of Extraterrestrial Encounters (ISBN: 9781941110805, Trade Paperback, 404 pages, Oct. 29, 2019, $16.00) collects the finest short stories and novellas of Sci-Fi Grand Master Robert Silverberg as he explores one of the genre’s most enduring themes. Aliens in all shapes and sizes—some fearsome, some outlandish, and some just plain fun—fill the pages of these hand-picked classic stories each featuring a new introduction by the acclaimed author.
“One of science fiction’s modern masters . . . His words and his work have shaped the whole direction of the field.” – Chicago Sun-Times
Read and review now by clicking HERE.
DISASTERAMA!: Adventures in the Queer Underground 1977 to 1997 (ISBN: 9781941110829, Trade Paperback, 260 pages, Oct. 8, 2019, $16.00) recounts social life in the queer underground of San Francisco, New York, and Los Angeles at a time when the manic frivolity of gay rights and youth collided with the deadly reality of AIDS.
“Alvin Orloff’s memoir of San Francisco queers facing the mounting AIDS crisis and freaking, caring, denying, performing, and carrying on is a witty remembrance that avoids cheap sentiment or easy responses.”
—Michael Musto, Fork on the Left, Knife in the Back
Hey, Miss Girl! Get off your ass and write something fun about us! Request a review copy HERE!
Be sure to register with Edelweiss+ today, if you haven’t already, and jump into our Fall books early. We’re so excited to share them with you that we’re offering this chance to read them now! For more information on any of our titles, please email Three Rooms Press co-direct Peter Carlaftes at, or call him at 212-731-0574.
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