SONGS OF MY SELFIE gets AMAZING review in Portland Book Review
So excited that Portland Book Review gave Songs of My Selfie a totally awesome review! Check it out here:
Reviewer Julia Gaskill said “Songs of My Selfie is an enchanting, heartrending, and utterly relatable read for any and all millennials. This is a wonderful collection of stories from some of the brightest young writers today.”
And we love the fact that reviewer Gaskill is proud to be a millennial herself:
Look, as a millennial myself, I realize how biased I might come off as in writing this review. But these voices? In all of these stories and essays? They are important. So important. They speak to all the problems my friends and myself have faced in our lives, as well as the joys we’ve encountered. It is no understatement when I, a twenty-five year old woman, state that this collection of essays written by fellow millennials needs to have all eyes on it – especially for those who spend far too much time hating on my generation. There is more to millennials than what is seen upon first glance; we are more than vanity and smartphones.
Thanks to Ms. Gaskill and the Portland Book Review for their insight!
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