Quarter-Life Crisis Winners and Cover Reveal
Millennials. Twenty-somethings. Unique little snowflakes. Taking selfies and Instagraming food, and on a particularly eventful day maybe live-Tweeting someone else’s breakup. Can’t exactly blame anyone for thinking it: millennials certainly sound obnoxious, right? Wrong.
Enter SONGS OF MY SELFIE: An Anthology of Millennial Stories edited by Constance Renfrow with Meagan Brothers (Three Rooms Press, 978-1-941110-40-9, April 2016). Last spring, 3RP held a contest and received a ton of compelling stories by edgy new writers all under age 26. Using a blind judging process, we selected the best 17 stories for the anthology, and worked with YA author Meagan Brothers to pick the top three for cash prizes.
And the winners are . . .
1st Prize: “BABY TEETH” by Angus McLinn
2nd Prize: “USE WITHOUT PITY” by Jared Shaffer
3rd Prize:“ON CALL” by Joshua Tuttle
Honorable Mentions: “HERE IN AVALON” by Tara Isabella Burton
Big congratulations to the winners and ALL of those authors selected for this brilliant new anthology! Stay tuned for details about events in upcoming issues of News and Notes. And how about that fantastic cover, designed by up-and-coming millennial cover designer Victoria Bellavia (who also designed Weird Girl and What’s His Name). This is gonna be fun! Preorder now on Amazon or Barnes & Noble.