Gerard Malanga Featured on Chronogram!
Three Rooms Gerard Malanga is the talk of Chronogram! In her stunning article “After the Factory: Chasing Gerard Malanga,” Nina Shengold discusses Malanga’s life as poet, photographer, filmmaker, translator, and so much more.
Of Malanga Chasing Vallejo (3RP, October 2014) Shengold writes:
Malanga Chasing Vallejo includes many photographs of Vallejo, and one of Malanga giving a reading at his burial plot in Paris. As always, there’s a story to tell. “It took us about an hour to find the right gravesite, OK? The real estate is like really tight.” Malanga sat on Vallejo’s tombstone, reading his translations to a small audience. “I read the last poem and it started to drizzle. Somebody said, ‘We’re being blessed.’ And we dashed across the street to a cafe.”
Check out the full article here, and learn more about Malanga Chasing Vallejo here.
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