Thinking of Submitting to Quarter-Life? Read This!
The Quarter-Life Crisis contest deadline is just two weeks away (May 1 at 11:59 p.m.)! We at Three Rooms are shivering with antici . . . . pation to read your work. But we haven’t been idle either. If you’re thinking of submitting—not just to this, but to any writing contest—check out 3RP editor (and contest co-judge) Constance Renfrow’s advice on DIY MFA: Five Things I’ve Learned about Writing Competitions Now I’m Judging One.
She writes:
As you might have already gleaned, whenever I submit to a writing contest I have a tendency to think of the judges as the Greek gods on Mount Olympus: all-powerful, shrouded in clouds and mystery and probably togas, and able to destroy my short story (and writing career) with lightning bolts of red ink. But that’s not me—in no way do I correspond with that image. I know that’s not Meagan (my co-judge, and one of the nicest writers I’ve ever met).
So polish up your pieces and send them on in! The deadline will be here in just a few short weeks. Submit, s’il vous plait!
Read the full article here, or read the full submission guidelines here.
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