Win a FREE copy of TEATROPHY:
3 MORE PLAYS, by Peter Carlaftes
The excitement is growing as 3RP plunges in February and it’s not just our BURROUGHS 101 reading on Feb 6 that has thrilled.
February is also the month that TEATROPHY: THREE MORE PLAYS — the latest book of 3RP co-director Peter Carlaftes — makes its debut.
While gearing up for the official launch on Monday, Feb 23 at Barrow Street Theatre — which will feature the NYC premiere of Carlaftes’s play ANTI — we’re GIVING AWAY five autographed copies of TEATROPHY on Goodreads.
Click on the ENTER TO WIN button below and sign up TODAY to get your hands on this exciting new release, with three plays that famed playwright Israel Horovitz calls “joyously absurd!” and that the Bay Guardian calls “Ultramodern!” Or think about what playwright Michael Puzzo has to say: These plays read like bomb instructions to blow up the status quo!”
And put February 23 on your calendar now for a celebration that will be hard to beat!
Goodreads Book Giveaway
by Peter Carlaftes
Giveaway ends February 24, 2015.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.