Quarter-Life Crisis: Short Story Competition for Writers 26 and Under — SUBMIT HERE
Send us your energy and your ambition, your emotion and your edgiest prose. Your homesickness, your Hiraeth. We want characters who are indebted, who are Internet addicts, who work three jobs to support their art, or who still live with their moms. We want characters of all genders, nationalities, sexualities, ideologies, creeds, experiences, histories. We want the strong and the weak, the self-aware and those who reject reality. We want writing that reflects what it really means to be young and let loose in 2015.
We’re celebrating the millennial—it’s time to proclaim who we are with our own damn voices.
What we’re looking for:
- Strong writing. Know the rules, and if the story calls for it, break them to pieces. We want your passion to sear us through the page.
- Memorable characters with refreshing voices.
- Ideally we prefer literary or speculative fiction, but genre will be considered if it speaks to or subverts our broader theme.
What we don’t want:
- Victims who indulge in how they’ve been wronged, self-pity, stories that are expected.
- Stories about writers writing.
- Stories that are anti-Baby Boomer
- Short fiction of 3,000 words or less.
- Must be original work that has not been previously published (online or in print)
- $10 entry fee
- U.S.-based writers only
- 12 pt font, Times New Roman, Microsoft Word document
- Do not include your name anywhere on the story itself
- Please include a cover letter with a short bio
- Writers who are 26 or younger on May 1, 2015 are eligible to submit.
- 1 story per person
Winners will be chosen by Meagan Brothers, author of Debbie Harry Sings in French, Supergirl Mixtapes, and the forthcoming Weird Girl and What’s His Name (ISBN 978-1-941110-27-0, October 2015, Three Rooms Press) and Three Rooms Press editor Constance Renfrow.
Deadline has been extended! ALL submissions now due by May 15, 2015, by 11:59 pm EST
- First place: $150, publication in the anthology, and 2 copies
- Second place: $50, publication in the anthology, and 2 copies
- Third place: $25, publication in the anthology, and 2 copies
- All other writers selected for the anthology will receive 1 copy each
All entrants will be considered for publication in the anthology. Quarter-Life Crisis will be published in print and as an ebook in Winter 2016. Everyone published will receive a free copy of the book.
To Submit:
This is a two step process. You must pay the submission fee of $10 by clicking on PAY ENTRY FEE button and paying through paypal. You must also fill in the submission form below. Good luck to everyone!
Submission Form:
[contact-form-7 id=”3538″ title=”Quarter-Life Crisis Submission Form”]
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