3/8: Annie Finch: Writing Like a Woman — Workshop Uncovers Secrets of Female Scribes
A National Women’s History Month Writing Workshop
with Award-Winnning Writer/Poet Annie Finch
Torn Page
435 W 22nd St. (Btwn 9th & 10th Ave.)
New York 10011
Advance online registration:
Do women write differently than men? Is there a feminine muse lurking just out of reach on your creative side? Discover new ways to channel and develop your personal artistry in “ANNIE FINCH: WRITING LIKE A WOMAN,” a writing workshop for women and men led by award-winning poet, mentor, columnist and performer Annie Finch.
During the three-hour workshop, participants will the study hidden traditions found in women’s writing throughout history, and unveil symbols and mythology common to contemporary women’s writing worldwide. Through a series of invigorating, revealing and passionate exercises, participants will discover how to write from deeper within their hearts by tapping into these ancient traditions and incorporating them into their own writing.
The workshop will cover multiple genres including poetry, fiction and memoir writing. It is open to both men and women. Space is limited, to enable personalized interaction between Annie and each participant. Registration fee is $100 in advance and $125 at the door. For online registration, go to: http://writinglikeawoman.eventbrite.com
ABOUT ANNIE FINCH: Poet and writer Annie Finch is the author of six books of poetry including Eve, Calendars, Among the Goddesses, and Spells: New and Selected Poems. Annie’s poetry has been featured on Def Poetry Jam, National Public Radio, and Voice of America, and in journals such as Poetry, Kenyon Review, Yale Review, Hudson Review, and Paris Review. Her operas, multimedia poetic dramas, and other collaborations with music, visual art, and theater have appeared at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Carnegie Hall. Annie’s honors include the Robert Fitzgerald Prosody Award and the Sarasvati Award in Poetry from the Association for the Study of Women and Mythology. A graduate of Yale University with a doctorate from Stanford University, she is the author, editor, or coeditor of numerous books about poetry, including Villanelles, An Exaltation of Forms, and most recently A Poet’s Craft: A Comprehensive Guide to Making and Sharing Your Poetry. Annie also writes frequently on cultural topics. Her column on female-centered spirituality appears regularly at The Huffington Post. www.anniefinch.com
THREE ROOMS PRESS is a New York-based publisher and performing arts producer. It has served as a leading independent publisher of creative content, including poetry, translations, literary fiction, drama and art. In addition, Three Rooms Press produces and promotes a variety of literary and cultural events in New York, Paris, Berlin, London, San Francisco, Los Angeles and more, including readings, plays, workshops and concerts. Additional info: [email protected]
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