April 13: Rainbow Book Fair in NYC
Join Three Rooms Press and our NYC partners Great Weather for Media as we link up with books, books, books at the Fifth Annual Rainbow Book Fair, on Saturday, April 13 from noon to 6 pm. NEW LOCATION!! Holiday Inn Midtown, 440 W. 57th Street between 9th and 10th aves.
Special Table Signings at the Three Rooms Press table:
2:30-3:00 Peter Carlaftes, Author of I Fold With the Hand I Was Dealt
3:00-3:30 Robert Gibbons, Author of Close to the Tree
3:30-4:00 Jane Ormerod, Author of Welcome to the Museum of Cattle and Recreational Vehicles on Fire
4:00-4:30 Kat Georges, Author of Our Lady of the Hunger
The fair features plenty of great independent vendors, plus readings throughout the day, including featured appearances by Emanuel Xavier (If Jesus Were Gay & other poems), Lesléa Newman (October Mourning), Sarah Schulman (Israel/Palestine and the Queer International), Julian Earl Farris (The Sin Warriors) and David Leddick (The Beauty of Men Never Dies). Plus a Poetry Salon curated by Nathaniel Siegel and Regie Cabico with over 75 poets reading nonstop.
Admission is just $3 (yep, that’s just three smackaroos). More info: http://rainbowbookfair.org
See you there!
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