Everyone’s talking about Maintenant 6!
Word is out on the streets worldwide that Three Rooms Press’ latest release, “Maintenant 6: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art,” is a real piece of work and a force to be reckoned with. Steven B. Smith calls Maintenant 6 “a fantastic book full of worth, mirth and surprise” on his excellent blog walkingthinice.com.
Meanwhile, on a train from Switzerland to Paris, Fork Burke declared, “Getting Maintenant in the mail made me gasp. . . the artwork on the cover is full and rich dare I say delicious–bravo MIna Loy–the time spent reading the issue was badass pleasure.”
And Janet Hamill exclaims, “I absolutely love it!!!!!!!!! . . . such great work, all of it right up my alley.”
So what are you waiting for? Declare Art on War. Order your copy already. Supply is limited. You need this now. Your life is limited. You need this now. Your mind is limited. You need this now. Understand? Comprenez-vous? ¿Entiendes? Capisci?
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