TRP presents: Son of a Pony feat. Linda Lerner & Andrew Boston
Three Rooms Press & Cornelia Street Café present
SON OF A PONY Poetry Reading Series
FRIDAY, January 20, 6 pm
Featured poet: Linda Lernerl Spotlight poet: Andrew Boston
PLUS NYC’s Sensational Open POETRY Mike, Hosted by Kat Georges
LINDA LERNER’s most recent poetry collection “Takes Guts & Years Sometimes” (NY Quarterly Books, 2011) is a heartfelt work that examines how to maintain a sense of beauty and humor in the face of adversity. Lerner has authored 12 other poetry collection; several were Small Press Reviews’ picks. Her work has been published in numerous journals including New York Quarterly, Onthebus, Van Gog’s Ear, Lips, and more. A native New Yorker, she has read widely throughout the U.S.
ANDREW BOSTON recently released his first chapbook “Elvis at 21.” His work has been published in the Uphook press anthology “Gape seed” and he hosts a Sunday reading series at ABC No Rio on the Lower East Side. He is currently studying at NYU and serving as poetry editor for the upcoming issue of Tribes magazine.
The featured reading follows the renowned Son of a Pony open reading at the cafe, hosted and curated by the dynamic Kat Georges. Doors open at 5:45 p.m.; open reading begins at 6 p.m. Admission is $7, which includes a free drink.
Cornelia Street Cafe is at 29 Cornelia Street, between W. 4th Street & Bleecker, just around the corner from the W. 4th Street subway station. Phone: 212-989-9319.
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